Currently, in its 13th volume, Rouya Turkiyyah is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal focusing on contemporary political, economic, and social issues. It covers a broad range of topics related to Turkish domestic politics and foreign policy, major developments throughout Turkey’s neighboring regions, and international politics. Indexed and abstracted by a number of major academic databases, Rouya Turkiyyah publishes papers written by various academic researchers, political analysts, and area experts from all over the world
:Rouya Turkiyyah publishes four types of written content
I. Research articles answer a scholarly and relevant question through original research (5000 to 7000 words)
II. Commentaries present a policy-relevant argument on an actual issue (3500 to 4000 words)
III. Review articles review a set of recently-published books with a common theme (2000 to 3000 words)
IV. Book reviews are reviews of a recently-published book (up to 1500 words)
Rouya Turkiyyah welcomes both solicited and unsolicited submissions. All manuscripts submitted to Rouya Turkiyyah undergo a rigorous process of assessment. Submissions are initially evaluated by the journal’s Editorial Board in terms of relevance, style, and scholarly qualities, with those that satisfy our minimum requirements are then sent forward to two external referees. The review process is conducted anonymously (double-blind peer review) and only the articles that the referees recommend for publication are then published, feedback is provided to the authors within 4-6 weeks
:Before submitting your manuscript make sure that
I. You have included an abstract
II. You have used the referencing style used by Rouya Turkiyyah
Manuscripts can be sent via mail to [email protected]
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to the style guidelines of Rouya Turkiyyah. Submissions must be written with the usage of clear and concise language. Since the journal’s readership comprises of specialists and non-specialists, authors should use a language appealing and accessible to all readers. Authors whose first language is not English are strongly recommended to have their manuscripts read and corrected by a proofreader before submission
:Particular attention is requested on the following points
American spelling should be used throughout. Numbers from one to ten should be spelled out, other numbers should be given as numerals. Dates should be in the form April 8, 1999; 1996-1999; the 1980s. Use percent instead of %
Use original spelling in languages that use Latin alphabet. For transliteration of all other languages (such as Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Persian, etc.) into English, please seek advice from the Editors
The notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the article, using a raised numeral in the text, to correspond to a list of notes placed at the end. In the list of notes, consistency is crucial for giving references. Words in titles should be written with capital initials. In endnotes ‘ibid.’ should not be used
Some examples for citation are given below. All of the information shown must be included
Name and Surname of the Author, Book Title, Edition (if there is), (City: Publisher, Year), p
Ex:Terence Walker, The Book Title, 3rd ed., (New York: New York Publishing Co., 1999), p. 100
Terence Walker, et al., The Book Title, 3rd ed., (New York: New York Publishing Co., 1999), p. 100
Terence Walker (ed.), The Book Title, 3rd ed., (New York: New York Publishing Co., 1999), pp. 100-102
Terence Walker and Deborah Jones, The Book Title, 3rd ed., (New York: New York Publishing Co., 1999), p. 100
Subsequent references should appear as: Walker, The Book Title, p. 100
Walker, et al., The Book Title, p.100
Book Chapters
Name and Surname of the Author, “Chapter Title,” in Name/s of Editor/s (ed/s.), Book Title, (City: Publisher, Year), p
Subsequent references should appear as: Surname, “Chapter Title,” p
E.g.: Harry Gould, “What Is at Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate,” in Vendulka Kubálková, Nicholas Onuf and Paul Kowert (eds.), International Relations in A Constructed World, (London: Routledge, 1998), p. 83
Subsequent references should appear as: Gould, “What Is at Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate,” p. 83
Articles in Journals
Name and Surname of the Author, “Article Title,” Journal Name, Vol. #, No. # (Month Year), p
Subsequent references should appear as: Surname, “Article Title,” p
E.g.: Isa Blumi, “Albanian Slide: The Roots to NATO’s Pending Lost Balkan Enterprise,” Insight Turkey, Vol. 21, No. 2 (February 2019 ), pp. 149-170
Unpublished Theses
Name and Surname of the Author, “Thesis Title,” thesis type, University, Year, p
E.g.: Keith E. Wrightson, “The Puritan Reformation of Manners, with Special Reference to the Counties of Lancashire and Essex 1640-1660,” unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University, 1974, p. 36
Articles/Pages on Web Sites
Name and Surname of the Author, “Article Title,” E-Journal/E-newspaper/Web site Name, Vol. #, No. #, (Month Day, Year), retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
URL should link directly to the referred text
E.g.: James Crabtree, “The End of Emerging Markets?” Foreign Policy, (May 3, 2020), retrieved June 15, 2020, from
Articles in Newspapers and Popular Magazines
Name and Surname of Author, “Article Title,” Newspaper/Magazine, Month Day, Year
Subsequent references should appear as Surname, “Article Title.”
E.g.: Juan de Onis, “Opium Poppy Gone, Turkish Farmers Ask Why has U.S. Done This to Us?,” The New York Times, (August 9, 1973)
Subsequent references should appear as: “Opium Poppy Gone, Turkish Farmers Ask Why has U.S. Done This to Us?”
Translated Books
Name and Surname of the Author, Title of Book, translated by Name of Translator, (City: Publisher, Year), p
E.g.: Edward W. Said, Şarkiyatçılık: Batı’nın Şark Anlayışları, translated by Berna Ülner, (İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık, 1995), pp. 11-12
Conference Papers
Name and Surname of the Author, “Title of Paper,” Conference Name, Conference Location, Date, (City: Publisher, Year), p
“Title of Report,” Institution, (Month Day, Year), retrieved from URL, p
E.g.: “Seta Security Radar Turkey’s Geopolitical Landscape In 2020,” SETA, (2020), retrieved from,pp.28-29
Social Media
Name and Surname of the Author, Twitter, time AM/PM, (date) retrieved from URL
E.g.: Donald Trump, Twitter, 11.03 PM, (November 7, 2017) retrieved from
“Title,” Channel Name, retrieved on Month Day, Year, from URL
E.g.: “Euronews Talks with Slavoj Žižek,” Euronews Youtube, retrieved on June 1, 2017, from
For Book Reviews
:Reviews should be preceded by full publication information, in the following form
Book Title (and translation, if applicable) by Name and Surname of the Author, (City: Publisher, Year), # of pages, price, ISBN. The reviewer’s name and affiliation should be given in the end
I. Any quotations of 60 or more words are set as blockquotes and are indented with the font size 10 (no quotation marks). The Style function has a template for this as well
II. Periods and commas lie within quotation marks
Ex: He argues the brain does not process, store or retrieve information. “We don’t create representations of visual stimuli, store them in a short-term memory buffer, and then transfer the representation into a long-term memory device. We don’t retrieve information or images or words from memory registers. Computers do all of these things, but organisms do not.”1
I. Only American spelling is acceptable in articles and commentaries
II. All acronyms must be defined when first introduced in an article. Do not define acronyms if they are not used again in the article
Other style concerns
I. The Turkish names should be used with Turkish characters. Ex: Ferhat Pirinççi, TİKA, MİT, etc
II. The Arabic names should be written as: al-Qaeda, al-Nahda, Jabhat al-Nusra. (‘al’ is always written in small letters.)
III. Words that are not in English are written in italics: Anavatan Party, Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı, etc
IV. Dates within the text are written as Month Day, Year
V. Always write out the word “percent” rather than %
VI. Ordinal Numbers are written as: 3rd, 4th, 19th century, etc
VII. United States’ acronym is always written as U.S
VIII. Cardinal directions are always written with a capital letter
IX. The ampersand (&) is not used. Please use the word ‘and’ both in the text and in the endnotes
X. To emphasize text, please use italics. However, when italics does not give the intended look for the emphasis, you can prefer single quotation marks (‘’) instead. Never use both to indicate emphasis
XI. Use also italics to set off non-English words in English text. If the word has become commonly used and is understood, there is no need to italicize it
XII. Use (i), (ii), (iii)… for in-text itemization, not numbers
XIII. The word administration is written in capital initial when used with a President/Prime Minister name. Ex: Trump Administration