رؤية تركية
دورية محكّمة في
الشؤون التركية والدولية
ISSN 2458-8458
E-ISSN 2458-8466

Information on Research and Publication Ethics


I. Rouya Turkiyyah is an international, refereed, indexed journal which is published as 4  issues (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December) annually. Special or additional issues can be published when necessary

II. Rouya Turkiyyah is published in Arabic

III. Rouya Turkiyyah publishes studies on Political Sciences, International Relations, Regional Studies, Economics, Public Administration, Sociology and Islamic Studies which are the main fields of Social Sciences and Humanities. It only publishes the texts of original scientific studies

IV. Sending a manuscript to any of Rouya Turkiyyah’s e-mail addresses is accepted as a submission for publication, starting the evaluation process of the manuscript

V. Manuscripts submitted to Rouya Turkiyyah should not have been previously published by any other publisher or be in the evaluation process of another publisher

VI. Any legal, economic and ethical responsibility that may arise from manuscripts submitted to Rouya Turkiyyah journal belongs to its authors, even if the manuscript has been published. The journal does not accept any liability

VII. Free of charge Rouya Turkiyyah is committed to free publication and exempts researchers and authors from all publication fees


I. For studies requiring the approval of the Ethics Committee (any research conducted with qualitative / quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment or interview techniques, using humans and animals for experimental or other scientific purposes, and including retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data), the necessary permissions must be obtained from the ethics committees or commissions and these must be stated in the content of the manuscript or presented as an attachment. In the absence of these permissions, the publication is returned to the author during the preliminary review phase

II. In addition, for all types of data used, such as scales, questionnaires, photographs, etc., permission must be obtained from the owners and be stated in the manuscript

III. A retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for manuscripts produced from post-graduate / doctoral studies (these conditions should be stated in the article), using research data before 2020

IV. It is essential that the raw data of the researches that are under the referee evaluation process be submitted when requested by the referees. It is also obligatory to provide the data when necessary after the publication of the article



I. Candidate manuscripts are passed through the academic plagiarism prevention program (Ithenticate, CrossRef)

II. Manuscripts with a similarity rate of up to 15% are accepted into the evaluation process

III. Manuscripts with a similarity rate of up to 20% shall be evaluated after being discussed in the editorial board, if deemed appropriate

IV. Manuscripts with a similarity rate of over 20% are not evaluated and reported to the author



Our editorial ethics are based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), 2011)

:Editors' responsibilities

;Editorial decisions
The editor and editorial board are responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal will be published. The editor evaluates articles without regard to the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship or political philosophy. The decision will be based on the importance, originality and clarity of the article, and the validity of the work and its relevance to the scope of the journal. Existing legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism are also taken into account

The editor and any editorial staff member may not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, prospective reviewers, other advisors, and the publisher

;Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Unpublished material described in the submitted manuscript may not be used by the editor or editorial board members for their own research purposes without the express written permission of the author

;Responsibilities of reviewers
During the review process, reviewers assist the editor and editorial board in making decisions and also assist the author in improving the manuscript.
If a reviewer concludes that he/she is unable to review the research in an article in a qualified manner within the time limit, he/she notifies the editor and withdraws from the review process

Manuscripts submitted for review are treated as confidential documents. They are not shared or discussed with others unless authorized by the editor

;Objectivity standards
Comments are made objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Reviewers clearly express their views with supporting arguments

;Recognition of sources
Reviewers identify works not included in the reference section of the article. They indicate whether observations or arguments from relevant publications are consistent with the sources. Reviewers inform the editor of their personal views on the manuscript under review and any significant similarities or overlaps between the work and other published articles

;Disclosure and conflict of interest
Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review are kept confidential and not used for personal advantage or gain. Reviewers may not review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or cooperative relationships with authors or institutions

:Duties of authors

;Reporting standards
Authors of original research reports should present an objective discussion of the significance and precise results of the work performed. The underlying data must be correctly presented in the article. A paper should include sufficient details and references to allow others to reproduce the work. False or knowingly false statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable

;Data access and storage
Authors may be asked to provide the raw data of their study with the manuscript for editorial review and, if applicable, should prepare for the data to be made publicly available. In any case, authors should ensure accessibility to other authorized professionals for at least ten years after publication (preferably through an institutional or subject-based repository or other data center), provided that the confidentiality of participants can be maintained. Legal rights to proprietary data do not prevent publication

;Originality, plagiarism and acknowledgment of sources
Authors shall only submit completely original work and/or cite other works as appropriate. Reference should also be made to other publications that are influential in determining the quality of the work reported

;Multiple or simultaneous publication
In general, articles describing the same research should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting the same article to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Articles published elsewhere as copyrighted material should not be submitted. However, the submitting author(s) retain the rights to the published material under appropriate conditions. Publication of the work constitutes permission for others to copy, distribute, transmit, adapt and commercially exploit the work under the CC-BY license. [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/]

:Authorship of the Article
Authorship should be limited to those who made significant contributions to the design, execution or interpretation of the submitted work. All significant contributors should be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author ensures that all contributing co-authors are included and that people not participating in the author list are not included. The corresponding author will also verify that all co-authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to its submission for publication

;Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Authors are obliged to disclose the financial sources, collaborations and conflicts of interest they have used in reaching the conclusions and interpretations of their articles. All sources of financial support for project-based studies should be disclosed

;Fundamental errors in published works
When an author discovers a major error or inaccuracy in his/her published work, he/she is obliged to notify the journal editor or publisher immediately and to cooperate with the editor to withdraw the article or to correct it in the form of an erratum

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors;
Retrieved from http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journaleditors_Mar11.pdf



I. Authors guarantee that their work is original and when they include other researchers' ideas, statements, pictures, graphics and tables in their work; they must cite this as a quote. Quotations without specifying the source are considered as plagiarism

II. Each author named in the study is equally responsible for the content of the study. It is unacceptable that the name of a researcher is not included or the name of the researcher is unfairly included even though s/he has not contributed to the study

III. Authors must remain faithful to the findings of their research. Changing findings, making up findings and conclusions and conducting research based on them will render the work invalid. Situations such as tampering, deleting, removing or skipping the interpretation of data that are difficult to cope with also eliminate the scientific value and validity of the study

IV. Simultaneous submission of the study to journals is not welcome by Rouya Turkiyyah. Previously published works of the authors are also not accepted



I. Referees should submit an objective, impartial, scientific, understandable and constructive evaluation report about the study within the specified period

II. Referee reports will also include an assessment of the scientific nature of the article (subject handled, method used or appropriate use of the relevant literature). This evaluation must be made about the content, whether positive or negative

III. When it is understood that there is plagiarism or the manuscript has been published elsewhere before, the referees should report the situation to the editor

IV. Referees should know that the evaluation process is confidential and should not be shared with third parties




Blind peer review is a method for ensuring that scientific publications are of the highest quality. Blind peer review is at the heart of good scientific publishing and is carried out by all reputable journals. Our reviewers play a crucial role in maintaining the high standards of our journal and all manuscripts are subject to the blind review process outlined below

The pre-evaluation process consists of two stages. In the first stage, all articles submitted for review are subjected to a similarity check in the iThenticate program. Articles with a similarity rate of 20% or more are returned to the author(s). In the second stage, articles are checked for compliance with the journal's editorial rules and scope. Articles that pass these stages are included in the blind review process. The author(s) of the article rejected at the preliminary control stage are notified within 1 week

:Editorial Review
The editor is responsible for deciding whether to accept the articles referred to him/her into the refereeing process or to reject them without entering the refereeing process. Manuscripts rejected at this stage are not sufficiently original, have serious conceptual and/or methodological flaws, have inadequate or poor English/Turkish language skills, or are outside the scope and purpose of the journal

The author(s) of the manuscript(s) rejected at this stage will be notified within 10 days after the manuscript is accepted for review. For all articles rejected without review, the editor will provide feedback and, where possible, suggest other suitable outlets

Manuscripts found suitable for the review process are sent to 2 referees who are experts in their field. The positive report of at least 2 referees is required for the article to be published. In case of need, it is at the discretion of the editor to apply to the 3rd referee

:Peer Review
In the double blind peer review process, the information of both authors and reviewers is kept confidential. To allow for this process, authors should not include any direct or indirect identifying information in their manuscripts

Beyond the need to remove names and institutional information from the title of the manuscript, there are other important adjustments that need to be made to ensure that the manuscript is properly prepared for double blind peer review. To assist in this process, some points to note are as follows;

Use the third person singular pronoun when referring to previous work by the author(s), e.g. “as previously mentioned (Anonymous, 2007)” instead of “as previously mentioned”

In the text, cite studies published by the author as follows (Anonymous, 2007). In the bibliography, the appropriate notation is as follows. (Anonymous, 2007, details omitted due to blind review)

If you have received project support or funding from any private or public institution or organization within the scope of the study, do not share any information about it. This information will be added at the layout stage if the manuscript is accepted

Do not thank anyone in the article. This information will be added at the layout stage if the manuscript is accepted. Never use your name and credentials when naming the manuscript file, and make sure that your name is not mentioned in the document properties

Our referee database is constantly updated and referees are randomly assigned based on their areas of expertise. The points we expect our referees to consider in the evaluation of the manuscript are as follows:

Originality and contribution to literature

Of potential interest to a wide range of social scientists and/or practitioners

Candidate for the attention of a wide readership

Comprehensive review of existing literature

Methodology, analysis and interpretation competence

A clear, concise, and fluent style of expression


Reviewers are asked to provide comments to authors without disclosing their identity. Reviewers are also given the option to make confidential comments to the editor. Comments to the author(s) are also visible to other reviewers

Please note that language correction is not part of the blind review process. However, reviewers are encouraged to make suggestions to improve the language and style of the manuscripts


:Final Review
The final decision is made by the “Editorial Board” for all manuscripts that have been favorably evaluated by the referees and reached the publication stage. At this stage, the Editorial Board reviews the article again and checks whether the content of the article is compatible with the referees' decisions. Although the referee reports are positive, the Editorial Board may refrain from publishing the article if there is a force majeure that the scope and rules of the journal have been violated. In this case, the decision is communicated to the author(s) together with the referees' recommendations



I. Each manuscript sent to Rouya Turkiyyah is first evaluated by the editor or the assistant editors in terms of compliance with the principles of the publication. As a result of this evaluation, if there are any corrections to be made by the author, the article is sent back to the author requesting the necessary changes

II. Manuscripts that do not comply with the principles of the publication are not sent to the referee within the scope of the evaluation process

III. Manuscripts deemed suitable for evaluation in terms of the principles of the publication are sent to the referees. At least two referees are assigned to evaluate each manuscript which is approved by the editor. Referees are selected from people who have expertise in the field represented by the article

IV. The names of the referees and authors are kept mutually confidential

V. The evaluation period given to the referees is a maximum of 21 days (including holidays). At the end of this period if the article has not been evaluated a new referee is appointed

VI. Referees make suggestions in terms of acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscripts. The manuscript, which receives two positive referee reports, is entitled to be published after a final editorial evaluation. The article, which receives a positive and negative referee report, is sent to a third referee, and whether the manuscript shall be published or not is re-evaluated in accordance with the report of the third referee

VII. The referees do not need to re-read the manuscript if they have requested secondary significant (minor) corrections. If they have asked for major corrections, they see it once more after the manuscript has been corrected by the author and submit another evaluation report on whether the necessary changes were implemented

VIII. The authors can object to the referee report within a reasonable framework and with convincing data. Objections are reviewed by the editorial board and, if deemed appropriate, the opinions of a different referee (or referees) can be consulted on the subject

IX. All stages of the evaluation process of the manuscripts sent to Rouya Turkiyyah are notified to the authors via e-mail

X. Journal editors scrupulously follow the corrections given by the referees. Accordingly, a decision may be taken by the editors to publish or not to publish an article


نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط بطريقة محدودة ومقيدة لأغراض محددة. لمزيد من التفاصيل ، يمكنك الاطلاع على "سياسة البيانات الخاصة بنا". أكثر...